Neil was a joy to be around. He (Zoe & Miles) provided support to Project Community Connections, Inc. through their videography work to create a short demonstrating the need for collaboration amongst service providers to better serve homeless families with school age children. Here is Neil and I (Jimiyu Evans, Co-CEO of Project Community Connections, Inc.) at the Global Health and Humanitarian Summit.
Neil was a joy to be around. He (Zoe & Miles) provided support to Project Community Connections, Inc. through their videography work to create a short demonstrating the need for collaboration amongst service providers to better serve homeless families with school age children. Here is Neil and I (Jimiyu Evans, Co-CEO of Project Community Connections, Inc.) at the Global Health and Humanitarian Summit.
- Nov 08, 2023
Neil was the inventor and patent-holder of a new kind of book...a PosterBook, with a poster containing the message of the book on one side and the story printed on the other side, that you unfold as you read it.
He published several of these on various topics, including a collaboration with basketball legend Michael Jordan and Chicago police officer Eddie Chapman - teaching safe driving rules for young AfricanAmericans.

- Feb 09, 2023
Neil performed his "What's in a Doctor's Bag?" show for thousands of children in preschools, elementary schools, children's hospitals, libraries, and Boys & Girls Clubs across the United States for over a decade. This was based on his children's book of the same name, co-authored with illustrator Todd Stolp MD, created to reduce the fear and anxiety many children experience when going to the doctor.

- Feb 09, 2023
Neil became a TV personality on Georgia Public Broadcasting (Channel 8) as Doc Neil the Banana Peel during children's broadcasting hours.
(By the way, Myles is the young chap dumping spaghetti on his father's head in this video!)
Search "Doc Neil the Banana Peel" on YouTube to see other PSAs in this series.

- Feb 03, 2023
Message From Family
This is a place to share photos, stories, memories, and offer support for the family. Over time we hope to capture the essence and impact of Neil's life.
The experience is separated into 3 parts:
1) Memories. This is where stories, memories, and posted content is displayed.
2) Support Registry. As the family needs support (financial, food, or volunteer), this section organizes those efforts.
3) Messages from Family. These are 1-way announcements to those who follow the Page.
We invite you to join us in the ways you feel comfortable.
Thank you.

- Feb 03, 2023