Video Resources for Grieving the Loss of a Spouse

The loss of a spouse can have a profound impact on us and manifest itself in many ways. Among the myriad of emotions experienced by those mourning the death of a spouse, fear is often the most universal. Because the unknown instills the greatest fear in us, bidding farewell to our life partner and embarking on the next chapter of our own lives can be a daunting prospect. A sense of isolation can intensify this fear even further. If this resonates with what you’re experiencing, finding a community of those who have gone through similar grief is essential. Hearing the experiences of others on their grief journey can help us understand our own journey and also help us to feel less alone in our pain. Finding a community is not always easy, especially finding a group that can be relied on to provide a consistent community. During moments when you cannot access a physical community, there are many video resources to watch that can provide a similar sense of solace. While it can’t replace the interpersonal relationship of a community, hearing stories and advice via video can be an impactful tool. Here are a few videos to watch after the loss of a spouse:
- Dealing with the Loss of a Spouse by Alberta Health Services - We are introduced to four people who have lost their spouse, hearing their story and learning lessons and helpful insight from their own experience.
with the Loss of a Spouse by Best Times - This video is an interview with an MD from the Department of Psychiatry at the University of Tennessee Health Science Center. He is also a grief expert and discusses various topics like triggers, the stages of grief, differences in grieving, support groups, and general advice.
My Spouse by Laura LeAnn - LeAnn shares her personal story three years after losing her husband, including the phases she’s been through and how it can still be a struggle even today.
Do I Live Without My Loved One by Catherine McNulty - This encouraging video from McNulty is about doing more than just surviving after the death of a spouse but actually remaking your life. “Grieving sucks, and you shouldn’t have to do it alone,” she said. “You deserve support.”
with the Death of a Partner or Spouse by Irish Hospice - Here, a clinical psychologist provides wisdom, advice, and encouragement on walking through the grieving process, including practical tips on how to navigate the holiday season.
Strength While Grieving the Loss of Your Spouse by 100Huntley - This video offers a more spiritual perspective, as a widow talks about how God has helped get her through her grief journey.
Bereavement Experience by Dana-Farber Cancer Institute - In this short video, Rosemary Maconchie shares the story of her husband’s death, how she is still mourning, and the steps she’s taken, including after seven months of accepting that her husband was not returning to her.
Each individual goes on their own grief journey, and on that journey, there will be different tools that work for each person. Along with the community, books, blogs, songs, and other resources, videos online that offer personal stories, wisdom, and encouragement from those who have lost a spouse can be an effective tool to use during the grieving process.