Subreddits for Those Greiving Loss

Reddit is a social network with forum-style discussions with a wide variety of topics. These can build a sense of community and support for those losing a loved one, working through grief, and all the issues related to death. If you don’t see the specific topic you’re looking for, you can sign up as a user and get involved by starting your Subreddit.
/r/GriefSupport - This community is devoted to those walking through grief and loss, seeking the support of those who have walked a similar road.
/r/Bereavement - This community specifically discusses the topics related to the period after someone passes away and throughout the mourning process.
/r/Grief - This subreddit is a community for people coping with losing a loved one. It offers support, resources, and a safe space to discuss grief and share experiences.
/r/GriefCounseling - This subreddit is a support community that speaks specifically about healing grief through counseling topics and recommendations.
/r/Funeral - This subreddit is a community for people planning a funeral or have recently lost a loved one and want to talk about their experience.
/r/LostALovedOne - This subreddit is a community for people who are on the journey of grief and want to share their experiences, ask questions, and offer support to others.
/r/GriefandLoss - This is a broader community of people who are coping with a variety of grief and loss. Its members provide a safe place to share the realities of what they’re walking through.
/r/MentalHealthSupport – This community helps those who are wading through mental health diagnoses to provide a supportive group, including death due to mental health.
/r/CancerFamilySupport – For those who are walking a loved one through cancer, this community is a place to discuss all the related issues with a variety of cancer diagnoses.
/r/Cancer – This subreddit is a community for people who are on the journey of walking through a cancer diagnosis. It allows its members to safely share what their specific journey is like.
/r/MomLoss – For those who are walking through the grief and loss of their mother, this subreddit provides a great opportunity to share your experiences with those who are walking a similar grief process.
/r/ChildLoss – This community helps those who have lost a child by telling the stories of their children, their loss, and the deep grief that comes with child loss.
/r/SuicideBereavement – The sudden death of a loved one by suicide can be hard to understand. This subreddit can provide a community of support to those who are dealing with death by suicide.