Popular Ted Talks About Grief and Loss

TED (Technology, Entertainment, Design) Talks are a popular platform for sharing ideas and stories on a wide range of topics, including grief and bereavement. Here are a few popular TED Talks about grief that might be helpful for those who are struggling with the loss of a loved one:
- "The power of vulnerability" by Brené Brown -- In this talk, Brown discusses the importance of allowing ourselves to feel vulnerable in order to process and heal from grief.
- "The Danger of Willful Blindness" by Margaret Heffernan -- In this talk, Heffernan shares the story of Gayla Benefield who lost both her mother and father.
- "The Gift and Power of Emotional Courage," by Susan David – In this talk, Susan David talks about the illness of her father, how to embrace difficult emotions, and how to develop emotional agility to cope with grief and other challenges through writing.
- "The call to courage" by Brené Brown -- In this Netflix special, Brené Brown talks about how to choose courage over comfort in a culture filled with fear and uncertainty
- “How My Son’s Short Life Made a Lasting Difference,” by Sarah Gray – Sarah Gray shares her journey of learning one of her twins was diagnosed with a terminal condition, anencephaly.
- “How Loss Helped One Artist Find Beauty in Imperfection” by Alyssa Monks – This artist shares how the loss of her mother finds beauty and inspiration in the unknown.
- “We Don’t ‘Move On’ From Grief. We Move Forward With It,” by Nora McInerny – Nora McInerny uses her humor to powerfully encourage those who are walking through grief and loss.
- “The Journey Through Grief and Loss,” by Jason B. Rosenthal – Rosenthal uses his wife’s passing from ovarian cancer to share about how he moved through his magnificent loss, the hardship of hospice, and saying goodbye.
- “What Makes Life Worth Living in the Face of Death,” by Lucy Kalanithi – Kalanithi explains the loss of her husband to stage IV lung cancer. "Engaging in the full range of experience -- living and dying, love and loss -- is what we get to do," Kalanithi says. "Being human doesn't happen despite suffering -- it happens within it."
- “Navigating the World of Grief,” by Laura Thomas – Thomas shares the heart-wrenching story of losing her brother by suicide.
- “How We Heal in Grief,” by Ashley Jones – Through the loss of her young daughter, Jones shares what helped her find peace in the midst of great heartache.
- “How to Find Meaning After Loss,” by David Kessler – In this talk, Kessler has practical wisdom and strategies for those walking through grief to find meaning.