Idioms and Expressions Related to Death

“Brown bread”
“Cash in one’s chips”
“Check out”
“Choir eternal”
“Come to a sticky end”
“Crossed the Jordan”
“Dead as a dodo”
“Dead as a doornail”
“Death by misadventure”
“Didn’t make it”
“Die with one’s boots on”
“Done for”
“Drop dead”
“Drop the body”
“Dropping like flies”
“Eaten a twinkie”
“Fading away”
“Fall off one’s perch”
“Fall off the toilet”
“Food for worms”
“Free one’s horses”
“Game end”
“Game end”
“Game over”
“Give up the ghost”
“Glue factory”
“Go for the last roundup”
“Go over the big ridge”
“Go the way of all flesh”
“Go to one’s reward”
“Go to one’s watery grave”
“Go to the big place in the sky”
“Go to the last roundup”
“Go west”
“Hand in one’s dinner pail”
“It’s clipped”
“Join the choir invisible”
“Kick the calendar”
“Killed in action”
“Lights out”
“Live on a farm”
“Lose one’s life”
“Not long for this world”
“Not with us anymore”
“Off on a boat”
“On one’s deathbed”
“On one’s last legs”
“On the wrong side of the grass”
“One’s number is up”
“Pass in one’s alley”
“Peg out”
“Pop one’s clog”
“Promoted to glory”
“Pull the plug”
“Pushing up daises”
“Rainbow bridge”
“Six feet under”
“Snuffed out”
“Take a dirt nap”
“Take the last train to glory”
“Tango uniform”
“The big adios”
“Turn up one’s toes”